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Monday, February 07, 2005
New Look for SmokeLong
At long last, the re-formatting of all of SmokeLong's old pages is complete and our new look is live to the general public. We hope you'll like the new look and find it easy to navigate, in addition to taking advantage of Marty D. Ison's incredible artwork to present a site that looks as good as it reads. It's been a long time coming. With Kathy Fish overseeing submissions, Randall Brown taking charge of interviews and additional features, Marty continuing to provide beautiful art, and some of the world's best writers of short, short fiction providing great reading, we were long overdue to present all of their work in the manner it deserved. Hopefully, with the new design, we've come close to this goal. Thanks for continuing to support SmokeLong. We look forward to continuing to bring you the best flash fiction found on the web.
posted by Dave Clapper at 3:10 PM  0 comments


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