SmokeLong Quarterly
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Literary News presented by SmokeLong authors and staff

Friday, October 26, 2007
News You Can (Hopefully) Use
SmokeLong News is back again, as you can see. With three staff members (Kelly Spitzer, Thomas White, and Dave Clapper) and three lit bloggers with SLQ history (Matt Bell, Myfanwy Collins, and Katrina Denza) posting the latest and greatest flash and lit news, we hope to keep you apprised of all the latest publications, readings, and any other news that may be of interest to the cognoscenti of the flash world. If you know of flash news that we're not covering, email it to us at and we'll try to get it posted as quickly as possible. We hope you'll enjoy this resurrected and greatly expanded feature of SmokeLong.

(PS: Some links may look and behave a little oddly as we're making this functional throughout the site. We apologize for this and beg your patience. Thanks!)
posted by Dave Clapper at 2:39 PM  0 comments


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Writers, Editors, Publishers, Agents, etc.: If you have Flash-related news (readings, publications, etc.), please email us at We'll try to get your news posted as quickly as possible.
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