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Monday, November 19, 2007
The Short Review
Check out The Short Review, "where short story collections step into the spotlight."

Founder and editor Tania Hershman says:

I love short stories. I love writing them and I love reading them. But it's not so easy to find reviews of short story collections, especially ones published by small presses. They just don't get the column inches that novels receive. It's no wonder they don't sell as well as novels - or that publishers think readers don't want to read short stories. So I thought I would create a space just for short story collections and anthologies, to give them their turn in the spotlight.

In the current issue of The Short Review you will find the following collections reviewed, among others:

HeavyGlow Flash Fiction
McSweeney's Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories
No One Belongs Here More than You by Miranda July

Also, be sure to stop by their blog.

This is a much needed resource. Keep up the good work, Tania!
posted by Kelly Spitzer at 2:07 PM  2 comments


At 2:51 PM, Blogger Dave Clapper said...

Oh, I'm so glad you posted this here, Kelly. I saw this on your blog this morning and thought it looked very, very cool. Kudos to Tania.

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Tania Hershman said...

Thanks so much Kelly and Dave - the response has been wonderful. Issue 2 of The Short Review is due at the beginning of December, so pop back to then.



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