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Monday, December 10, 2007
Helping New Orleans kids read
Tip of the hat (and no wag of the finger) to high school classmate Jessica for pointing out a great way folks can help folks in New Orleans this holiday season. As you might expect, a lot of libraries were wiped out in Katrina. Singleton Elementary School has been clever enough to set up a wish list on Amazon to start to re-stock the school library. What a great idea! So make with the clicky clicky, won't you? And if you have the means to spread the word, what are you waiting for? Blog it!


posted by Dave Clapper at 1:35 PM  3 comments


At 5:32 PM, Blogger OhTheJoys said...

Thanks Dave!

p.s. Your comment linky link seems to be sort of broken.

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Kelly Spitzer said...

Oh, this just brought tears to my eyes. I'm going to do this. Off to clicky clicky.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Dave Clapper said...

Jess- thank YOU for doing the work that even made us aware of this option in the first place. And yeah, Blogger and our domain don't play as nice together as I'd like. Grrrr.

Kelly- Thank you! And I know this story has to be hitting you especially hard right now as you work to make your own house livable again.


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