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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Joseph Young's "God Not Otherwise"

Joseph Young has a new broadside published by Publishing Genius and titled God Not Otherwise. Joseph is one of my favorite flash writers, and continues to force his stories into tighter and tighter spaces, pursuing a minimalistic aesthetic I can only admire and never imitate. Every year his stories seem shorter, and every year they seem even better than I remembered.

Here's an excerpt, from the broadside's second piece, titled "Second Certainty, Physic":

To begin with, there was the girl in the gold dress, the angle of her collarbone in the heat. There was the man in the red jumpsuit too, steady hands on the wheels and levers of things. Both were fixed, imprinted with light against the backdrop. He felt himself shimmer, knees unbuckle, the sun's neat sugarpill.

God Not Otherwise is available for free as a .PDF, in formats made for the screen and for printing, and takes approximately five minutes to read, so there's really no excuse. Get reading!

posted by Matt Bell at 10:24 AM  0 comments


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