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Monday, September 13, 2010
Welcome Our New Staff Editors!

Please welcome our three new staff editors at SmokeLong Quarterly! Nancy, Gay and Brandon will be guest editing for SLQ for the next three weeks, so treat them kindly. They will also be helping with submission selection, writing feature articles, promotion and quarterly story interviews. So you'll be seeing them around.

They are all amazing writers and editors (and they've each appeared in SLQ in the past year or two), and we hope they are as excited to be a part of our staff as we are to have them. Here is some more information about them, as well as a calendar of upcoming guest editors.
Nancy Stebbins is in her last semester at the Pacific University MFA program. Her stories have been or will soon be published in Cezanne’s Carrot, decomP, St. Ann’s Review, and The Los Angeles Review. She lives in College Station, Texas, with her husband and their many (four) teenage children. She is a psychiatrist.

Read Nancy's story "A Fistful of Buttercups" (Issue 28).

Gay Degani has published in journals and anthologies including two The Best of Every Day Fiction editions and her own collection, Pomegranate Stories. Her stories online can be read at Smokelong Quarterly, The Battered Suitcase, Night Train, 10 Flash, Short Story America, Emprise Review, as well as other publications. Nominated for a Pushcart, she has been a finalist or short listed at Glimmer Train and The Fish Anthology and won a first place at Women on Writing's Quarterly Flash Fiction contest. She edits EDF's Flash Fiction Chronicles and blogs at Words in Place.

Read Gay's story "Complicit" (Issue 28).

Brandon Wicks is a freelance writer and illustrator based in Atlanta, Georgia. His fiction has appeared in such journals as Sou’wester and South Carolina Review; his poetry in The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume II: Mississippi.

Read Brandon's story "Northern Migration" (Issue 25)

Upcoming Guest Editors


13-19 Nancy Stebbins
20-26 Gay Degani
27-Oct. 3 Brandon Wicks


4-10 Molly Gaudry
18-24 Andrew Wingfield
25-31 Neil Smith


8-14 Art Taylor


6-12 Jason Jordan
posted by Tara Laskowski at 5:59 AM  0 comments


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