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![]() | SmokeLong News ![]() Literary News presented by SmokeLong authors and staff Tuesday, February 22, 2005 Million Writers Award Notable Stories of 2004 Two stories from SmokeLong were selected as notable stories of 2004 in StorySouth's Million Writers Awards. They are Instructions for a Son upon Finding Something of his Father's by Robert S. Jersak and Not the Real Jesus Christ by Bob Thurber. The full list of winners is: 42opus http://www.42opus.com "In Search Of" by Sarah Layden http://www.42opus.com/contents/contents.php?iss=v4_2&pg=insearchof Absinthe Literary Review http://www.absinthe-literary-review.com "Bonsai" by Alexandra Fox http://www.absinthe-literary-review.com//stories/fox.htm Adirondack Review http://www.adirondackreview.homestead.com "Adjustments" by Jared Hegwood http://www.adirondackreview.homestead.com/hegwood.html Agni http://www.bu.edu/agni/index.html "Bone on Bone" by Jai Clare http://www.bu.edu/agni/fiction/online/2004/clare-bone.html AuthorMe.com http://www.author-me.com "Strange Fruit" by Monica Arac de Nyeko http://www.author-me.com/fict04/strangefruit.htm Arriviste Press http://www.arrivistepress.com "One Way or The Other" by Avital Gad-Cykman http://www.arrivistepress.com/September04/cykmanoneway0904page1.shtml The Barcelona Review http://www.barcelonareview.com "Fatso" by Leelila Strogov http://www.barcelonareview.com/40/e_ls.htm "Just Don't Take the Little I Got" by Eduardo Antonio Parra (Christopher Winks, translator) http://www.barcelonareview.com/45/e_eap.htm Barrelhouse http://www.barrelhousemag.com "Ryan Seacrest is Famous" by Dave Housley http://www.barrelhousemag.com/seacrest.html Bullfight Review http://bullfightreview.com "The Earhart-Knievel Party in Room 306" by Lee Klein http://bullfightreview.com/archive/index1.html Blithe House Quarterly: queer fiction lives here http://www.blithe.com "Christmas In A Minor Key" by Allison Burnett http://www.blithe.com/bhq9.1/9.1.08.html "The Mercy Seat" by Trebor Healey http://www.blithe.com/bhq8.2/8.2.01.html "Personal" by Kurt Heintz http://www.blithe.com/bhq8.3/8.3.01.html "Time, Desire, and Fog" by Etel Adnan http://www.blithe.com/bhq8.1/8.1.04.html Carve http://www.carvezine.com "Whenever Part of You Breaks" by Anne Leigh Parish http://www.carvezine.com Chiaroscuro http://www.chizine.com "Dragons" by Laura Anne Gilman http://www.chizine.com/dragons.htm Conversely http://www.conversely.com "Stolen Biography of a Father" by Valeria Vegas http://www.conversely.com/Unhin/un026.shtml dead drunk dublin http://www.deaddrunkdublin.com "The Annihilation of the Spectator" by Sean Brijbasi http://www.deaddrunkdublin.com/stories/sean_brijbasi/annihilation_of_spectator.html Dead Mule http://www.deadmule.com "The Last Ride of General Lee" by Elizabeth Roberts-Hamel http://www.deadmule.com/content/word.of.mule.php?content_id=965 deathlings.com http://www.deathlings.com "The Vampire Tibbles," James Quiggle, deathlings.com http://www.deathlings.com/tibbles.html Defenestration http://www.defenestrationmag.net "Mr. Crow" by Jonathan Redhorse first part: http://www.defenestrationmag.net/prose/jredhorse.htm second part: http://www.defenestrationmag.net/prose/jredhorse2.htm Drunken Boat http://www.drunkenboat.com "From Me Then to You Now" by David Barringer http://drunkenboat.com/db6/barringer/fromme.html Eclectica Magazine http://www.eclectica.org "Dreams" by Chika Unigwe http://www.eclectica.org/v8n1/unigwe_dreams.html "Errand" by David Taylor http://www.eclectica.org/v8n3/taylor.html "The Boy From Bul" by Sylvia Petter http://www.eclectica.org/v8n3/petter.html "One Day in the Life of Irene Dennison" by Dennis Kaplan http://www.eclectica.org/v8n3/kaplan.html "A Proctor is More Than Just a Reader" by Aaron Sitze http://www.eclectica.org/v8n2/sitze.html "Publisher" by Corey Mesler http://www.eclectica.org/v8n3/mesler.html "Remade Tobacco" by Joan Shaddox Isom http://www.eclectica.org/v8n3/isom_tobacco.html "The Ride Home" by Siew Siang Tay http://www.eclectica.org/v8n4/tay.html "Sleight of Hand" by Dennis Tafoya http://www.eclectica.org/v8n2/tafoya.html "Thinking of Angel" by Chika Unigwe http://www.eclectica.org/v8n1/unigwe_angel.html "Trash" by David LeMaste http://www.eclectica.org/v8n3/lemaster.html Exquisite Corpse http://corpse.org "The Crowd Forms" by Ali Fahmy http://corpse.org/issue_12/pets_beasts/fahmy.html "Midnights" by Jim Hazard http://www.corpse.org/issue_14/wc_sweat/hazard.html Eyeshot http://eyeshot.net "From the Journal of Mike Shipley, Unfit Parent" by Randall DeVallance http://eyeshot.net/unfitparent.html "The Truth About Belafonte Garcia" by Jamie Allen http://eyeshot.net/belafonte.html "Variations on a Party" by Charles Ullmann http://eyeshot.net/ullmann.html "How to Seduce the Woman of Your Dreams & Make Her Yours Forever" by Scott Bryan Wilson http://eyeshot.net/seductiontips.html Failbetter http://www.failbetter.com "Sunshine Over Helsinki" by Michael Hartford http://www.failbetter.com/2004-3/HartfordSunshine.htm "This Is What Gets Me" by Courtney Weber http://www.failbetter.com/2004-3/WeberThis.htm Fiction Attic http://www.fictionattic.com "Merciless Daylight" by Michelle Tea http://www.fictionattic.com/michelletea.html Fiction Warehouse http://www.fictionwarehouse.com "Branch Libraries of Southeastern Brooklyn" by Richard Grayson http://www.fictionwarehouse.com/yr03/stories/040818.asp "Bulldozer" by Alex Shishin http://www.fictionwarehouse.com/yr03/stories/040512.asp? "Charity" by Stephen Anderson http://www.fictionwarehouse.com/yr03/stories/041103.asp "Dear Jenks" by Melissa Checker http://www.fictionwarehouse.com/yr03/stories/040922.asp "Scratch" by Sean Conway http://www.fictionwarehouse.com/yr03/stories/040908.asp "Vacation" by Johanna Pirko http://www.fictionwarehouse.com/yr03/stories/040505.asp Fortean Bureau http://www.forteanbureau.com "Another Hollywood Miracle" by Marissa K. Lingen http://www.forteanbureau.com/nov2004/Lingen/index.html FRiGG: A Magazine of Fiction and Poetry http://www.friggmagazine.com "Arctic Mint Whip" by Philip Alexander http://www.friggmagazine.com/volumeonearchive/alexanderwhip.htm Gator Springs http://homepage.ntlworld.com/fandango.virtual/gator "Karma" by Susan O'Neil http://homepage.ntlworld.com/fandango.virtual/gator/dm_page_8.htm "Riley's Shoes" by Bob Arter http://homepage.ntlworld.com/fandango.virtual/gator/ptk_page_14.htm Gowanus Books http://www.gowanusbooks.com "Mr. Gurupadam's Affair" by Shireen Joanna http://www.gowanusbooks.com/gurupadam-shireen.html Hardluck Stories http://www.hardluckstories.com "Keely Sings the Blues" by Sarah Weinman http://www.hardluckstories.com/spr2004-Weinman.htm HOBART http://www.hobartpulp.com "The Novelist" by Tao Lin http://www.hobartpulp.com/fiction/thenovelist.html The Apothecary by Alan Danzis http://hobartpulp.com/fiction/theapothecary.html Identity Theory http://www.identitytheory.com "Curfew" by Ismet Prcic http://www.identitytheory.com/fiction/prcic_curfew.php "Just Like Normal Girls" by Kati Bambrick http://www.identitytheory.com/fiction/bambrick_girls.php "Obedience" by Michelle Richmond http://www.identitytheory.com/fiction/richmond_obedience.php Infinity Plus http://www.infinityplus.co.uk "Songs of Leaving," Peter Crowther http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/stories/songs.htm In Posse Review http://webdelsol.com/InPosse Beds by Cheryl Kidder http://webdelsol.com/InPosse/19_fict_kidder.htm Kennesaw Review http://www.kennesawreview.org "Waiting for the Abductor" by David LeMaster http://www.kennesawreview.org/summer2003/lemaster-waiting.htm The King's English http://thekingsenglish.org "Wednesday" by A'Dora Phillips http://home.comcast.net/~wapshot1/Winter05/Fiction.Sum04.Phillips.html "Wonder" by S. M.R. Saia http://home.comcast.net/~wapshot1/Winter05/Fiction.Fall04.Saia.html "Escape Velocities" by Jim Snowden http://home.comcast.net/~wapshot1/Winter05/Fiction.Jan04.Snowden.1.html Literal Latte http://www.literal-latte.com "Just Life, Not Tragedy" by Susan Morehouse http://www.literal-latte.com/cgi-bin/cginews.pl?record=140 Literary Mama http://www.literarymama.com "Dad, In Red" by Sonya Huber http://www.literarymama.com/fiction/archives/000300.html "The Dogs of Sayulita" by J.D. Munro http://www.literarymama.com/fiction/archives/000409.html "Wild, Wild Horses" by Mary Akers http://www.literarymama.com/fiction/archives/000289.html Lit Pot http://www.literarypotpourri.com "Dr Dick Somebody" Marc Phillips http://www.literarypotpourri.com/003_07/Mid_Month.html Me Three http://www.methree.net "Crank Call" by Thomas J. Hubschman http://www.methree.net/archives/2004/November/hubschmancrank.html Mississippi Review "ARSe Poetica" by Adrian Louis http://www.mississippireview.com/2004/Vol10No2-Apr04/1002-040104-louis.html "The Cool Aunt" by Laura Ellen Scott http://www.mississippireview.com/2004/Vol10No1-Jan04/1001-0104-Scott.html "Jaws" by Julia Elliott http://www.mississippireview.com/2004/Vol10No1-Jan04/1001-0104-Elliott.html Monkeybicycle http://monkeybicycle.net "My Life at the New York Post" by Richard Grayson http://monkeybicycle.net/archive/Grayson/post.html "Social Contract" by Stephen Elliott http://monkeybicycle.net/archive/Elliott/social.html Narrative Magazine http://www.narrativemagazine.com "Diplomacy" by Don Lee http://www.narrativemagazine.com/704/lee.htm "Midland" by Rick Bass http://www.narrativemagazine.com/stories/bass.htm "This Flesh, This Ghost" by Lynn Freed http://narrativemagazine.com/cc/fclick.php?fid=freedhtm "Toggling the Switch" by Alicia Gifford http://narrativemagazine.com/cc/fclick.php?fid=giffordhtm The New Yinzer http://www.newyinzer.com "I, Rhonda, Keep Track of the Family Calendar," by David C. Madden http://www.newyinzer.com/issue31/f_madden.php "Hush" by Bruce Miller http://www.newyinzer.com/issue32/f_miller.php Outsider Ink http://outsiderink.com "Axl Akbar" by Sarah Kendzior http://outsiderink.com/04/fall/kendzior.php "The Blue Bridge" by Marshall Moore http://outsiderink.com/04/winter/moore.php (parenthetical note) http://www.parentheticalnote.com "High School Progress Reports Found on the Photocopier" by Julianne Flynn http://www.parentheticalnote.com/flynn_progressreports.htm Paumanok Review http://www.paumanokreview.com "Black and White" by Brian Howell http://www.paumanokreview.com/index.php?page=howell "Second Encounter" by Xujun Eberlein http://www.paumanokreview.com/5.1/eberlein.html Pindeldyboz http://www.pindeldyboz.com "Bing Crosby Dreaming at the Lamp Post Inn" by Elizabeth Ellen http://www.pindeldyboz.com/eebing.htm "Bridges" by Myfanwy Collins http://www.pindeldyboz.com/mcbridges.htm "Madame Sabat's Grave" by Corey Mesler http://www.pindeldyboz.com/cmgrave.htm "Monopoly" by Claudia Smith http://www.pindeldyboz.com/csmonopoly.htm "Reality Check on Register Two" by Edmund Schubert http://www.pindeldyboz.com/escheck.htm "They" by Tara Laskowski http://www.pindeldyboz.com/tlthey.htm Plaztik Press Literary Magazine http://www.plaztikpress.com "The Story of Her Breasts" by Kirsten Menger-Anderson http://www.plaztikpress.com/current/story_storyofherbreasts.html Plots with Guns http://plotswithguns.com "Hilly Palmer's Last Case" by Duane Swierczynski http://www.plotswithguns.com/HillyPalmer.htm "Folk Hero" by Laura Ellen Scott http://plotswithguns.com/FolkHero.htm Potion http://www.potionmag.org "The Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need" by Susan Lantz http://www.potionmag.org/content/lantz.php The Quarterly Staple http://www.thequarterlystaple.com "Heat of the Moment" by Richard Grayson http://www.thequarterlystaple.com/issue2/heat.htm Reflection's Edge http://reflectionsedge.com "Possession" by Joshua Moses http://reflectionsedge.com/archives/dec2004/p_jm.html Retort Magazine http://www.retortmagazine.com "When Pacino's Hot, I'm Hot," by Robert Levin http://www.retortmagazine.com/content/05.04/id_lit_levin.htm Rouse Magazine http://www.rousemag.com "Mohammad's Therapy Monkey" by Richard Grayson http://www.rousemag.com/040712/grayson.htm Salon.com http://www.salon.com "Anda's Game" by Cory Doctorow http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2004/11/15/andas_game/index.html Scifiction.com http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/ "This Tragic Glass" by Elizabeth Bear http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/originals/originals_archive/bear/bear1.html "Super 8" by Terry Bisson http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/originals/originals_archive/bisson5/index.html "The Tang Dynasty Underwater Pyramid" by Walter Jon Williams http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/originals/originals_archive/williams/williams1.html "The Wolf-man of Alcatraz" by Howard Waldrop http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/originals/originals_archive/waldrop6/waldrop61.html THE2NDHAND http://www.the2ndhand.com "Pushkin on the Night Before the Duel" by Wes Kline http://www.the2ndhand.com/archive/pushkin.html SHOTS Magazine http://www.shotsmag.co.uk "Down to the River" by David White http://www.shotsmag.co.uk/fiction2004/downtotheriver.html Shred of Evidence http://www.shredofevidence.com "Game On" by Iain Rowan http://www.shredofevidence.com/nov04/game_on.html "Geoffrey Says" by Aliya Whiteley http://www.shredofevidence.com/nov04/geoffrey_says.html Small Spiral Notebook http://www.smallspiralnotebook.com "How to Be a Good Daughter" by Jill Carroll http://www.smallspiralnotebook.com/Fall2004/jcarroll.shtml "They Don't Make Nostalgia Like They Used To" by Richard Grayson http://www.smallspiralnotebook.com/Fall2004/rgrayson.shtml Smokelong Quarterly http://smokelong.com "Instructions for a Son upon Finding Something of his Father's" by Robert S. Jersak http://smokelong.com/flash.asp?id=1355 "Not the Real Jesus Christ" by Bob Thurber http://smokelong.com/flash.asp?id=1653 Socialist Review http://www.socialistreview.org.uk "'Tis the Season" by China Mieville http://www.socialistreview.org.uk/article.php?articlenumber=9150 Spillway Review http://www.spillwayreview.com "Losing the Sundowner" by Stephen Ausherman http://www.spillwayreview.com/shortsundowner.html Spoiled Ink http://www.spoiledink.com "Judges Of Julliard" by Adam Crowley http://www.spoiledink.com/FICTION/short_stories_066.php "Nine Motives" by Franklin Fisher http://www.spoiledink.com/FICTION/short_stories_077.php "Ringroad to Immolation" by Tom Sykes http://www.spoiledink.com/FICTION/short_stories_079.php Stickman Review http://www.stickmanreview.com "The Devil's Coach-Horse" by Neil Grimmett http://www.stickmanreview.com/V3N2/contents/grimmett.html Strange Horizons http://www.strangehorizons.com "The Grammarian's Five Daughters" by Eleanor Arnason http://www.strangehorizons.com/2004/20040329/grammarian.shtml "Hold Tight" by Gavin Grant http://www.strangehorizons.com/2004/20040823/holdtight-f.shtml The Summerset Review http://www.summersetreview.org "Anywhere" by Michael F. Smith http://www.summersetreview.org/04summer/anywhere.htm "At Home In The Antipodes" by William Starr Moake http://www.summersetreview.org/04fall/antipodes.htm "El Paraiso" by Mark Vender http://www.summersetreview.org/04summer/paraiso.htm "Morning on Carre Quitana" by Julie Ann Castro http://www.summersetreview.org/04fall/quintana.htm Taint Magazine http://www.taintmagazine.com "Muddy Waters" by Peter Markus http://www.taintmagazine.com Three Candles http://www.threecandles.org "First Thing in the Morning" by Peggy Duffy http://www.threecandles.org/prose/pduffy.html Thieves Jargon http://www.thievesjargon.com "Cathy's Clown" by Jeff T. Kane http://www.pigeonwire.com/thievesjargon/content/workview.php?work=144 The Thrilling Detective Web Site http://www.thrillingdetective.com "God's Dice" by David White http://www.thrillingdetective.com/fiction/04_04.html Tryst http://www.tryst3.com "Banjo" by Tom Sheehan http://www.tryst3.com/issue8/sheehan2.html "Johnson's March" by Kyle Killen http://www.tryst3.com/issue8/killen1.html UndergroundVoices.com http://www.undergroundvoices.com "Confessions of a Serial Dater" by Harris Bloom http://www.undergroundvoices.com/UVBloom.htm Velvet Mafia http://velvetmafia.com "Eaters of Elevation" by Steve Berman http://velvetmafia.com/13/berman.php "Rumford's Fluid" by Sean Meriwether http://velvetmafia.com/13/meriwether.php View Unplugged http://www.viewsunplugged.com "Look at Me Now" by Thomas J Hubschman http://www.viewsunplugged.com/VU/20040129/books_beginnings_now.shtml "Rain in My Heart" by Anjana Basu http://www.viewsunplugged.com/VU/20040909/arts_shortStory_rain.shtml Weekly Reade http://weeklyreader.org/ "My Father Dancing with Marlene Dietrich" by Michael A. Rauch NOTE: This story is a PDF download. http://www.weeklyreader.org Word Riot http://wordriot.org "Bio Clock and Nutty Photos" by Julie Shapiro http://wordriot.org/template.php?ID=163 "The Twins That Burn Eternity Into Your Soul" by Robert Vivian http://wordriot.org/template.php?ID=480 "The Waking" by Felicia C. Sullivan http://wordriot.org/template.php?ID=159 writeThis.com http://www.writethis.com "Gather and Sing" by Willie Davis http://www.writethis.com/040.html "Sour Milk" by Wayne Bowman http://www.writethis.com/011.html posted by Dave Clapper at 4:46 PM 2 comments Monday, February 07, 2005 New Look for SmokeLong At long last, the re-formatting of all of SmokeLong's old pages is complete and our new look is live to the general public. We hope you'll like the new look and find it easy to navigate, in addition to taking advantage of Marty D. Ison's incredible artwork to present a site that looks as good as it reads. It's been a long time coming. With Kathy Fish overseeing submissions, Randall Brown taking charge of interviews and additional features, Marty continuing to provide beautiful art, and some of the world's best writers of short, short fiction providing great reading, we were long overdue to present all of their work in the manner it deserved. Hopefully, with the new design, we've come close to this goal. Thanks for continuing to support SmokeLong. We look forward to continuing to bring you the best flash fiction found on the web. posted by Dave Clapper at 3:10 PM 0 comments Wednesday, February 02, 2005 NOVEL: A Living Installation at Flux Factory Flux Factory 38-38 43rd Street Long Island City, NY 11101 www.fluxfactory.org 718-707-3362 For more information contact: kerry@fluxfactory.org The Show From May 7th until June 4th, 2005 Flux Factory, Inc. will lock up three novelists in individual cubicles built in the Flux gallery in Long Island City. The writers will be let out for short periods each day in order to use the bathroom, shower, etc. The rest of the time they will remain in their respective cubicles and will have food, snacks, and supplies provided for them while they embark on the process of writing a complete novel. Public readings of the novels-in-process will be held every Saturday evening. There will also be several public viewing times/press briefings at other times during the week. On June 4th, each writer will emerge from his or her cubicle, having each finished one novel, composed entirely within the cubicle. The three cubicles will be constructed by artists/architects from their own designs and in collaboration with the novelists. Each cubicle will reflect the specific needs and interests of the individual writers. These cubicles address complex issues of design and desire, space (or lack thereof) and how a complete room in which someone can live comfortably for an entire month can be built. NOVEL takes the isolation of the writer to a rather extreme conclusion in order to investigate what will be produced under those conditions. But, just as writing is solitary, it is also a performance. The writer, sitting alone, is always conscious of an audience, whoever that may be. NOVEL combines the private and public aspects of writing in a striking way. The goal for NOVEL is to facilitate the production of quality fiction and explore the act of writing itself as a performance, installation, and kinetic, living sculpture. Additional Events In a continued attempt to make transparent the issues of contemporary literature, a discussion about the current state of the novel will be held at Flux Factory on May 21st. Writers Myla Goldberg (Bee Season), Tom Bissell (Chasing the Sea), and J.M. Tyree will be among the panel members. The Writers Laurie Stone is author of Starting with Serge (Doubleday, 1990), Close to the Bone (Grove, 1997), and Laughing in the Dark (Ecco, 1997). A longtime writer for the Village Voice (1975-99), she has been theater critic for The Nation, critic-at-large on NPR's Fresh Air, and a regular writer for Ms., New York Woman, and Viva. She has received grants from NYFA, The Kittredge Foundation, the MacDowell Colony, Poets & Writers, and in 1996 she won the Nona Balakian prize in excellence in criticism from the National Book Critics Circle. Ranbir Sidhu is a recipient of a Pushcart Prize in fiction and his work has appeared in The Georgia Review, The Missouri Review, Zyzzyva, Other Voices, Press and a Houghton-Mifflin college reader among other publications. Trained as an archaeologist, he has worked in California, Nevada, Israel and France. One of his finds, a 3,000-year-old woman, made cover skeleton of Biblical Archaeology Review. Most recently, he worked for the United Nations in Sri Lanka as a communications consultant. Grant Baille is a Cleveland-based writer and artist. A contributor to McSweeney's, Night Train, SmokeLong Quarterly, and Zygote in My Coffee among others, Grant's novel Cloud 8 was published in 2003 by Ig Publishing. His work was selected for honors by the Writers & Poets League of Greater Cleveland and he had been a featured speaker and reader at book events in the US and Canada. His paintings have been exhibited at William Busta Gallery and Joyce Porcelli Gallery. Flux Factory is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit arts organization. posted by Dave Clapper at 2:46 PM 0 comments Tuesday, February 01, 2005 Hobart #4 release party If you are anywhere near Seattle Hobart urges you, with everything they can muster to make it out to their Hobart #4 Launch Party on Feb. 7th at the University Bookstore. It will feature Hobart #4 guest editor Ryan Boudinot, as well as contributors Brian Ames, Ray Vukcevich, Heidi Barack and Matthew Simmons. If you attend, they guarantee a great time. GUARANTEE! More info here. posted by Dave Clapper at 7:40 PM 0 comments January 2005, February 2005, March 2005, June 2005, August 2005, September 2005, October 2005, November 2005, December 2005, March 2006, April 2006, May 2006, June 2006, July 2006, August 2006, September 2006, October 2006, November 2006, December 2006, January 2007, February 2007, March 2007, April 2007, May 2007, June 2007, July 2007, August 2007, September 2007, October 2007, November 2007, December 2007, January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, December 2008, January 2009, February 2009, March 2009, April 2009, May 2009, June 2009, September 2009, June 2010, August 2010, September 2010, December 2010, Current Posts | ![]() |
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Writers, Editors, Publishers, Agents, etc.: If you have Flash-related news (readings, publications, etc.), please email us at news@smokelong.com. We'll try to get your news posted as quickly as possible. | ![]() |
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